Friday, May 27, 2011

To You

It is in the smallest of moments that our real selves are revealed.

When the truest things of a heart become fodder for ridicule by those who claim to love you it eases the pain of walking away. Sometimes you don't look back - and that's OK.

To stand alone is greater than walking exposed in a masquerade. To walk alone better than trying to associate with those who are found in the off-guard moments to be untrue.

Cling to dreams, no matter how small - no matter how elaborate. Hope is not in vain, dreams are not energy wasted.

Know who loves you; know who truly doesn't. Remember that truth, when revealed, brings joy in the midst of pain - in the midst of sorrow - in the midst of loneliness - even if it doesn't erase.

Reach out to those who say they love you - but if invitations fail to be received keep on going. If they are true to you they know how to find you.

If they know you the way they say they do they will pursue the blessings they have from the time with you. Therein lies a test of faithfulness.

Allow yourself to be pursued. The one who sees the treasure you are will stop at nothing to attain it. Make them work for you, but do not frustrate them unless necessary.

Do not lose heart. Walk with your head held high. Kick the enemy's ass. Never lose the brightness in your eyes.

©Kristen Garcia 5/2011

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Untitled 1

There comes a time in every story where the hero begins winning the battles;
A point in a treasure hunt when a jewel is revealed;
A place where long-held dreams move out of the heart and into reality;
A day where the beauty of a sunset outweighs the clarity of a New Moon sky.

©Kristen Garcia 5/2011