Friday, February 12, 2016

Snow Days

Each one with it's own design, forever unique.

Bevels and turns creating the most delicate of exact, minute details.

They can quickly find the others like them, interlocking into their own little packs, huge, soft, and able to travel gently -

Or stay on their own, small, dry and in a blink they have flow by in such a way that you wonder if it existed.

With a little driving force of wind to push them along life can become beautiful - or overwhelming.

Each one in it's own complexity. Like our hopes. Our dreams. Our desires. The end goal of what we see our lives being at different points. The celebrations of the small victories we have each day.

They all whirl around us like snow. Their intricacies vital to their identity. Their makeups being what allows them to bind together. Their properties that has them cover us like a heavy blanket, or gently grace our eyelashes.

Simple on the surface, yet full of breathtaking detail. Seemingly small until they start coming many in a moment, creating times where we cannot see anything but them. We cannot help but stop and revel in it's beauty. And it stirs up something in our souls.

Let even the sunny days not be absent of the swirling flakes of dreams. Of love. Of hopes. Of celebrating the small as if they were big. In this the accumulation of beauty lies.

©Kristen Garcia 02-2016